Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mumbai - From a different Angle >

Normally if there is some free time between work, (This particular instance is way too hypothetical to be discussed  ;-)) I rummage through old snaps of the Maximum City - Mumbai... It gives me a feeling of immense pleasure and content and my mind wanders back in time to have a clean, less crowded and a happy Mumbai...

It would be hard to fathom the fact that even after staying in Mumbai for over 2 decades, I got to know the 'REAL' Mumbai thru snaps on the internet.. (Shame on ya ... Akki)... Well, you gotta believe this thing that Mumbai to a commoner is just 'Making in time to the railway station so that he does not miss out on his '8:37 FAST'.. I still don't know why Train timings are never rounded off to a full 5 minute... I have never come across a train timing like 8:30 or 7:00 or 9:45... Never.. On the other hand, the elite class of Mumbai worry a lot about the stinking band at 'Jazz by the Bay' and how it ruined their well planned romantic evening! The worst part is - the two scenarios explained above are totally hidden for each other... I mean.. a commoner would not even know what Jazz By The Bay is similar to an elite who thinks, Who freaking needs a a train, when I own a chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce?

But between these two extremes, its one category that  gets to know a little about whole if Mumbai - 'The Tourist'... Every day the rising sun in the city looks at hoards of people outside of Mumbai, coming in as tourists.. be it an Indian or a foreigner, this city has a lot to offer to anyone and everyone under the sun! So I decided to view Mumbai thru an eye of tourist and guess what - A wonderful city unfolded itself for me like never before... This city of which I have been an integral part of for almost 23 years of my life showed me things I dint even know... Unfortunately, it was only thru the e-medium... Starting with its history of 7 different islands to a metro that it is today, I gulped up all the information on it totally awestruck with pride!

So I have decided that in my next trip to Mumbai (albeit it being my Home city),I am gonna enjoy this beauty thru a tourist's eye and come back loaded with utmost content, pride and refreshed mind....

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