Friday, May 28, 2010

A. Naik -- Caught & Bowled H. Parikh -- 26 (26)

  4th July is celebrated as Independence Day here in Red-Blue-White Country where US citizens celebrate their FREEDOM... But my dear friend chose this day to celebrate his Life Sentence... Yes - My pal of a decade Mr. Aditya Naik or as we fondly call him Sade Bara (12:30), is more than happy to surrender himself in the embrace of the deadliest phenomenon happening in a Guy's life... No points to guess... He's getting engaged...

I remember the year 2007 (which was my first trip to India) when a fine evening, Naik, Avi (Another Fellow Antonian) and I were taking long walks near Naik's place in Vakola... We were discussing the usual fun stuff when Naik suddenly went,

Naik: Guys I want to let you know something.

Avi: What happened man? U into Drugs or something...

(Knowing that Naik wud not even touch a PAPER ciggie, let alone a real one, I figured that this had to be something of a personal mishap!)

Akki: Dude r u in LOVE or what???

Naik: I dunno how to say this... But kinda I am....

Avi: Duh.. and whose the 'GUY' ?

Akki: Avya...I think he's serious... Naik Bol re..

Naik: Well, She's my roomie at Dallas.... and we stay together...

Akki: What? wow dude.. so u already in a LIVE-IN relationship huh... Score man!

Naik: No man... she duz not even know about this... and just so u know - we 4 share a room, Bhide n I in one and Navya and Hinal share another!

Avi: So who happens to be YOUR Love interest???

Naik: Its Hinal... Hinal Parikh... and we are really very very good friends... Its been the first time in my life that I am so comfortable being MYSELF in front of her...

( This was so true... Naik being a LOYAL ANTONIAN for almost 1/4th of his HALE 'N HEARTY life, anything remotely female was like a burning charcoal in hand for Naik... You take it in hand only when you are forced to and You can't hold it for more than 3 sec... I was very happy that finally Naik had come out of his Antonian Genre and started to live life like a NORMAL guy! )

Avi: OK... So when r ya gonna tell her?

Naik: I never will...

Akki: What? Why? What's the problem man?

Naik: Methinks their family won't allow us and probably its not even the right time... I  haven't even graduated, I dunno wen would I get a job... Probably she might even get married before I m capable to stand on my own feet!

Whoooooooooooooooooshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Time flew...
So it was that day and it is TODAY that I have received Naik n Hinal's personal invitation card to attend the C-day of their life! (Wedding being the D-day... This is one step less.. Lol). Both Naik n Hinal had to go thru a lot of ordeal to make things happen the way they wanted, Thats why I really SALUTE their LOVE for each other and its prowess to stay with each other in times of both joy n sorrow...

I wish both of them all the good things in LIFE and May God bless them... Yeh Baat aur hai ki, when we all Antonians meet up on July 4th, Naik is gonna be our SCAPEGOAT as usual... That's a tradition... I m so excited to see that day!!!



Unknown said...

i m sooo happy to read dis blog...u r really gud at writing akkii..i cant wait to see u all guys togather again..u said so many things tht naik can never put into words...thanks for tht :)

Akshay Anaokar said...

Thanks Hinal... U got the BEST and So Did NAIK!!

Love u both! Have a great life ahead!